August 2019 - May 2020



“Dog Days” was inspired by the transitional periods in one’s lifetime marking the start of a new chapter. It is also a celebration of our loved ones who impact and shape us in different ways.“Dog Days” began pre-production in August 2019 and was completed in May 2020 as a 3D Digital Design senior thesis project at Rochester Institute of Technology. Nearing the finish line, production was delayed for a number of weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, after raising funds on Kickstarter with the help of several supporters and mentors and a dedicated team of thirteen artists, “Dog Days” came together successfully in the end. Personally, "Dog Days" holds a lot of meaning to me as I was making this film during my last year at university. I built so many meaningful relationships and close bonds in those four years. I was preparing myself for the change after graduation of no longer being able to easily see my friends and mentors everyday. I am anxious of the change my twenties will bring. I am anxious of the change the 2020s will bring. Keeping the film's message in mind, it helps me feel a little less alone.

“Dog Days” Animatic

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